I think this is a scene from a movie. Everyone knows who this is, and my point is that there are thousands of faces I have looked at and somehow this face is memorable. I don't know the politics of Che, and I haven't read anything about him. Your face, your art? The Greeks say you make your face by forty.
Think I'll let my hair grow long.
You don't know the politics of Che?...
Boy, are you in for it.
You will be lynched by Cuban exiles and evangelized by the Norteamericano- faux- Socialist-semester-abroad crowd who only sees the tourist sector of Havana.
Che symbolizes the sense of the Americas, particularly Latin America, as one great nation waiting to be born.
Che also indulged in a bit of "revolutionary justice"/summary execution.
The romantic version can be seen in _The Motorcycle Diaries._ Read widely and make your own decision.
Che is a hero to many in Latin America, with much debate as to who actually killed him (CIA? Castro?). He was like Kennedy in that he made the women swoon, he represented a generation and a political ideal, and he was assassinated while young.
My muse has put me on a strict diet of poetry and art for sometime now, and very little room is left over, since I had little to begin with.
I avoid politics, since the discussion of politics usually leads to a man standing with a gun and a bad attitude.
I will go as far to say that whenever a war starts, the rule needs to be to send all the oldest men first to the front lines; that way, war won't have much of a chance, since I see war as older men sending young men to die.
I imagine an age when only women are allowed to be rulers. Men keep messing things up.
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