Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Electronics, Clear Instructions

Electronics, Clear Instructions
Now I know I can't be the only one who has done this, spend almost the whole day trying to figure out some electronic device, such as a computer.Yesterday I spent all day hooking up wi-fi for the laptop. It is very easy to hook up, it only took about ten, fifteen minutes. But, if you are geeky, you know that there is no security unless you make it happen. Hours and hours later, what is not said in the instructions becomes clear. Your computer can talk to the wi-fi and set the code, and then the wi-fi talks to the laptop in the code generated.Then the disconnect problems started. More hours.Ever lose a day doing something you didn't want to do? Try to fix the water pump in the car, paint a room, change the hinges on the fridge?There is a great saying: If it is really important, you drive. If it is really really important, you fly. If it is extra really really important, you don't go.

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